Restoring the Function of Your Teeth
Implant Dental Bridge
It has become more common today for patients to request and be recommended for Dental Implant treatment. Sometimes a single tooth Implant is all that is needed. Many people have medical or health issues that make saving the teeth very difficult. Some request Dental Implant treatment for cosmetic reasons. One of the most well known rehabilitating implant treatments is one that we see a lot on TV commercials today. Commonly it is said as “teeth in a Day”. What this involves is removing all the teeth and placing implants. In the Dental Profession we call these by a couple of names. Often referred to as “All on 4”, an Implant Dental Bridge, and Dental Implant Hybrid. The “All on 4” is called this because there are four Implants that are used to restore 12 teeth. That is a whole upper or lower jaw. The restored teeth are typically made from a Denture with a Titanium Bar inside which is screwed into the Implants. This is not removed except to clean the Denture.
The Procedure
The teeth are removed and Implants are placed. A Temporary Denture is made to act as teeth immediately after the surgery. This is where the term, “Teeth in a Day” comes from. Those temporaries are not to be used as chewing teeth immediately following as the Implants need time to heal. After the Implants have healed is when the permanent Bridge with the Bar is made for restoring teeth.